Wednesday 21 July 2010

Tamil language is one of ten very popular languages in Britain [ wednesday, 21 July 2010, 5.24 PM GMT +05:30 ]

London Metropolitan police division informs, Tamil Language is one of the ten most popular languages in England. Tamil Language is used by callers for emergency assistance, was the information stated by the police division.
The Metropolitan police mentioned approximately eight thousand emergency calls and 12 thousand calls which not come under the category of emergency callers speak in Tamil language for a day. In this category, the languages of Poland, Roman, Panjab, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkey, Somali, French and Bengali also are included. Meanwhile police had informed other than English, calls can be made in Tamil Language for emergency, and awareness activities are processed against this. Reports states, after the Sri Lankan Tamils migrated to Britain, the Tamil language usage had come in the 10th place.